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Longest floodlit toboggan run in the world!

14 kilometres of tobogganing fun on the longest floodlit toboggan run in the world - only in the Wildkogel Arena in the state of Salzburg. Aside from skiing, tobogganing plays a major role in the Wildkogel Arena during winter. And it's no wonder, as Neukirchen is home to the longest floodlit toboggan run in the world! Toboggan fun descends on an unbelievable 14 kilometres and 1,300 metres of altitude into the valley towards Bramberg. The toboggan run takes around 30 to 50 minutes, depending on ability. On Fridays, an extended descent until 6.30pm is possible with the Smaragdbahn, and the toboggan run is lit up daily until 10pm.

There is, of course, toboggan rental and along the stretch you can find various alpine lodges and bars, where you can refuel and regain your strength. An experience for young and old!

Shorter toboggan runs

In Neukirchen and the region, there are naturally also shorter runs in addition to the Wildkogel toboggan run, which are especially well-suited to beginners and families with small children: The Stockenbaum (5 km length) and Neuhaushof (3km length) natural toboggan runs and the Kühnreitrodelbahn (1.2 km length) are just a few examples.

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